Thursday, 21 September 2023

Favourite Harvest Colours and why

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite Harvest Colours (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

Although orange wouldn't normally be one of my favourite colours, in autumn it's lovely to see all the leaves turning before they create their carpet. Does anyone else like kicking through the crispy leaves in Autumn?

I love the orange, deep yellow and burgundy that show up on all the beautiful trees at harvest time.  I love that Nature has such a way with colors you would sometime not expect. These colors hold lovely memories for me.

Harvest colours to me are the same as Autumn, love the yellow,oranges,and reds.

My favourite harvest colours are the gold, red and grey/green of the autumn trees. everything seems a little more mellow. 

I really love the warm colours of autumn, that are also harvest colours. I love the warm orange of pumpkins and also the pretty warm yellows and dark greens. 

I love all the colours that come with Harvest and Autumn time, the deep reds, golds, dark greens and oranges.  They make the trees look gorgeous.

I LOVE harvest colours. Reds, russets and golds, the colours of autumn leaves.

I love the warmth of harvest colours, the golds, reds, and greens of ripe
fruit and vegetables, a season of plenty, a full table of tasty things,

Orange, yellow and brown are my favorite harvest colours.
The beautiful orange of the pumpkins and the ripe corn.  And of course the gorgeous colours of the leaves on the trees.

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.


  1. Thank you Divas! I am so very honored to have you select my "Pumpkin Pie" card as one of your TOP 3. Congratulations to my fellow recipients.

  2. OMGoodness thank you so much Mr Random for the win , thank you so much to the ladies of the DT with their amazing inspiration and last but not least thank you for the fun challenges.

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my card in the top 3 - what a lovely surprise!
    Helen x

  4. Lovely design team samples. Thank you for the color challenge!

  5. Hello email sent, Im not sure if my first went to your junk mail,
    sorry for being a nuance
    have a good day
