Thursday, 24 August 2023

Favourite animal (and why)

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite Animal - Real or Fantasy (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

I've always adored donkeys and Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, so it wasn't a difficult choice for me.  I had a soft toy donkey when I was a baby and nearly 50 years later I still have him.  Thankfully I live close enough to the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary that I can visit real donkeys fairly often too. It's a great day out if you are ever passing.  Today I'll have to make do with a 2D version in the form of my donkey themed card.

Bears are a favorite of mine, not counting dogs or cats.  I love teddy bears because they are so soft and cuddly.  I know real bears are a different story, but you have to respect the tenacity of a mama bear protecting her cubs.

My beautiful Barry is my favourite animal, and my favourite fantasy friend.

My favourite animal is the hedgehog. My family have always had a soft spot for those little creatures. They have adorable faces and a lovely snuffling noise. So cute.

My favourite animal is a mouse. It was my nickname that my mother gave me when I was young. I think they look cute with their big ears. On this card I also used the favourite animal from my little nephew Niek. He loves crocodiles, so when I saw this image, I had to make a card with it.

I like lots of animals, but seeing as we have two of them, I have to say dogs are tops. They're such good company and so loyal and loving.

It's a real life horse or doggo for me. I am fortunate enough to have both in my life and so this occasion have dusted off an old horse stamp.

(so sorry I'm late!)  I love animals full stop, so this was a hard choice but I have gone
down the fantasy route with this one and chosen dragons.  My favourite dragons are
cute and colourful, and because they are fantasy they can be any colour you like.

I have a lot favorite animals but a cat is my number one. I love their attitude and the soft fur.  

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Favourite 2-colour combo (and why)

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

#25 Sherri Thacker


Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are 

#24 Carol Gill

#29 The Crafty Den

#32 Susan Sudbury

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite 2 Colour Combo (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

 I love pastels, and in particular purple, pink and blue, but as I had to pick only two, I opted for pink and blue for this cute baby bunny card because I love the contrast of the two together.

using Gnome Friends in the Garden by Last Minute Manda
I found a couple of paper scraps with blue and yellow that I really loved for this cute gnome.  This combination, to me, gives such a happy feel.

using Gnome Friends in the Garden by Last Minute Manda
Blue and yellow is my favourite combo because you can elegant it
 or cute it..I went with cute it..

using Gnome Friends in the Garden by Last Minute Manda
I have chosen pink and green. I love this fresh combination especially with flowers. 

I love the combination of pink and green together. It is great for flowers. 

using Gnome Friends in the Garden by Last Minute Manda
I love greens and yellows together. I think they are so fresh looking especially with spring flowers.

using Gnome Friends in the Garden by Last Minute Manda
Mother Nature puts green and pink together beautifully, whether pastel or bold, so I often take inspiration from her. This cute gnome definitely cried out for bold!!

I have a few favourite colour combos, but for some reason I always come back
to blue and brown.  It just works for me.

That one is not difficult for me: turquoise/blue and lime green. Those are such happy colours for me. I do have a some objects in my house in that combination. You can see one on my blog.

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.