Thursday, 31 March 2022

To Recycle or Buy New (and why is that your choice)?

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are

#14 Lia

#13 Sarah R

#2 Meghan Kennihan

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite New or Recycled (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

I do try to recycle things as much as I can so on this card there are a few things that I've reclaimed and re-used.
Firstly, I reused some watercolour card that had another image on the reverse.
Secondly, I have to encourage my printer to pull the thick watercolour paper through, by firstly printing my image on the bottom half of some plain white copy paper, covering it with my thick card, and running it through again. Rather than throw the copy-paper away, I fussy-cut its image out to use as a stenciling mask.  
Finally, even the plant pot cardbase was left over from another project.

I really like recycling leftovers from other projects.  For this card, all the paper used  was from my scrap bin.  Even the image has an unused image on the backside.

Gosh, I love new stuff but I really love to recycle too, gold butter foil papers
 and shoulder strap ribbons.

A hard choice. It is always good to recycle but I think we all like to use new stash. There is always an excitement about colouring a new image. I do love this cute Gnome, it has been used several times of late. The little pieces of paper are from my scraps drawer.

on a break

I much prefer to use new stash.  When you haven't used something before it makes you wonder how it's going to turn out - it's more exciting to use new stuff.

So here's the thing, I couldn't make up my mind so I used new stamps that were a challenge prize and I recycled a pretty box that contained some bath,win!!

So, I'm really keen on recycling at home - our blue bin is always packed, and if I can use something again for a new purpose then that's a win BUT for crafting, I admit it, I do love using new stuff - everything fresh and shiny new.

Recycle for this challenge. Some time ago I saw a free glossy magazine with this beautiful cover. I kept it because I wanted to make a card with it. The colours and the flowers are so beautiful. It's a clean and simple card because I didn't want to cover the paper. 

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Favourite non-traditional Easter Character (& why)

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are

This cute little cow and his googly eyes..

Beautiful sunflowers..

Gorgeous colours and floating wings..

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite non-traditional Easter character (no bunnies or chicks!) (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

I love visiting the donkeys at our local donkey sanctuary in Sidmouth and would love to foster a rescue donkey (or three) if I had the land.  So why not have them featured on an Easter card!

My favourite non traditional Easter character is definitely the cute penguins from The Catʻs Pajamas.  I love that they are all ready for Easter and they just make me smile.

I think my fave non traditional character has to be this dog..I've used him before and he is perfect for carrying the egg on his nose..

What better than a teddy dressed as a lamb. So cute and are a firm favourite for my Easter cards

With bunny ears on, every animal can be used on an easter card, so that is why I had to use this adorable penguin. 

I've chosen one of these cute dragons from Lee Holland.  I think they are fun and suitable for a girl or a boy.

I have never thought of a non-traditonal Easter character so decided upon a dragon of course!! Who doesn't love an dragon on an Easter card!!?

I've kinda gone a bit off piste, but what else would you expect, as I have fallen in love with these Dustin Pike gargoyles and am using them for as many occasions as possible!

Since I discovered the cute dragons at Lee Holland I fell in love with them.
So for this challenge I choose the cute dragon coming out of his egg with giant rabbit ears. 

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Favourite Interactive - or not! (and why)

Welcome to As You Like It Challenge

Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something 
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.

Usually we provide options for you to choose from. 
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in. 

For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot, 
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.

eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !

So get crafting and remember to have fun 
and enjoy your crafting time.

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are


Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge

The sponsor of this challenge is

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite: Interactive (ie a moving part) or not (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

I've been racking my brain to consider what kind of interactive card I would prefer. I thought about the fancy-fold cardbases that I've loved making in the past, including some with removable tags, but in the end I decided that my difficulty in finding something that I'd love to make must really mean that I actually prefer straightforward cards!  So I've opted for the 'not' version by making the complete opposite of interactive instead: ie a flat and fuss-free card!  

I really like the challenge of getting an interactive card to work and they are so much fun when they do.  This one is a hidden slider card.  

My new found fave thing is wobble action..I think they are so fun and easy to do..

I made this interactive card for my son's birthday. To make it more fun I added keys, wallet, ticket and of course a phone to the shorts. Very simple with little personal details.

I do love making an interactive card, but don't make them very often, so although they are fun to make, my most favourite cards are the not interactive cards. They are easier to make and also easier to mail. 

I think I've only made one interactive card in the past so that must make me in the "not" category.

 It's not that I don't like interactive cards and have, indeed, made a few over the years but ever mindful of the cost of postage these days I went with the "not" option. Nice and flat for posting, although in this case it was hand delivered!!

I have tried, oh I have tried, many times, but have decided that interactive and I are not a match made in heaven, so here we are with a not-interactive card!

I prefer to make 'normal' cards than interactive ones. I sometimes make an interactive card for someone special who I know will appreciate it.

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.