Welcome to As You Like It Challenge
Our fortnightly challenge is a home for you to create something
which gives you a warm "inner glow" of pride, without lots of entry rules.
Usually we provide a few options for you to choose from.
You just need to select and use your favourite option in order to join in.
For a chance to win our prize or top-3 spot,
you need to tell us why you've made your choice.
That way our team and readers can appreciate why it's your favourite.
eg, if the theme is 'favourite animal' and you decide on 'bunny', tell us why.
eg, you love Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi !
So get crafting and remember to have fun
and enjoy your crafting time.
Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge.
Our winner is:
Please email us at AsYouLikeItChallenge@hotmail.co.uk to claim your prize,
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:
Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:

So, onto our next challenge
This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using
Your Favourite "True Love" or "Fabulous Friends" (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.
Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:
My Hubby doesn't really bother about cards so although I do make them for him, I don't put as much effort in as I do for my fabulous friends (but don't tell him!). I enjoy making cards for my friends because I know they appreciate them and you can make them more personal. This one is for a friend who loves playing records and music from the 80's and I think he'll love it x
I love making cards for my friends, mainly because I believe that many of those who are creative themselves will appreciate how much time and love has gone into making something unique and handmade for them. Today's card is a little 'thank you' card for my bestie, and itself features two little critter friends with a floral gift.
The truth of the matter is, I love making cards. I love the thought that they might make a persons day just a little bit brighter, but, I think I like making cards for my family loves the best. They appreciate the effort I put in and have saved most of the cards I have given them. This is for an upcoming event for my daughter.
This is my Hubby's anniversary card. So 'true love' for me. Especially using those cute and loving hedgehogs, always a favourite stamp.
I love making cards for my nephews,my true loves. They still have the age that they really appreciate my cards. If I make a card that can do something (an interactive card ;) ) it is a bonus, so for valentine's day they both will get a card that does something and a package to make it themselves. The heart on this card closes the card. you can take it off and then the card opens.
Using - Over the Threshold LOTV
I love making cards for friends. This was for a friend at work to give to her daughter on her wedding day. They had to bring the wedding date forward and my friend only had a weeks notice to make her own outfit so I made the card for her.
I like to make cards for friends and family as they know I have taken time for them and this is for a friend who much prefers humorous cards rather than flowery ones. The sentiment suits her perfectly.
It's Fabulous Friends for me, particularly in these home stay days. I am missing my coffee dates and shopping trips with my buddies, so I have made a batch of these to send to those friends that I haven't seen for a very long time, in the hope that it will brighten their day.
Rather oddly, although family never make a comment on the cards they receive, I soon hear about it if I miss an occasion with one, go figure. However, friends on the other hand always appreciate the time and effort a handcrafted card takes, and have been known to say "I am getting one of your cards aren't I?" which always feels like a veiled threat somehow, so I really do make more for friends because I know they will be going to a good home!
I made this card for my dear friend. We have known each other since our high school days (almost 50 years). We have been through a lot, nice things but also very sad things. We see each other at least twice a week. We love to shop together, visit museums and theaters, play tennis and much more. She loves flowers.
So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.
Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.