Thursday, 9 May 2019

Anniversary Blog Hop and Favourite non-card project

Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge. 
Our winner is:

Please email us at to claim your prize, 
and don't forget to grab your *winners* badge below:

and our Top 3 are

Congratulations and please grab our *Top 3* badge to display on your blog:


Before we move onto our next challenge

this challenge marks our
6 year anniversary 
and to celebrate we've decided to have a blog hop, 
where one lucky 'hopper' will win an extra surprise.

So in addition to playing along this week, 
we would like you to pop and visit all our Design Team, 
leave a little comment on their blogs,
then leave a comment back on this blog, 
and you will be eligible for a prize.

In addition to the blog hop, we have our usual challenge sponsor.
This week, the prize is an A5 stamp set from

This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using 
Your Favourite Non-card project.
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.

Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:

Don't forget to visit and comment at each of our teamies
and leave a comment back here 
to qualify for the separate blog hop prize.


I've been having a go at some mixed media and journaling, I love it for change. Last month I did an AALL & Create workshop where we made a tag book. I still haven't assembled it as I didn't get all my tags finished but we learnt lots of different techniques with stencils and backgrounds and these are a few of my tags

I love wrapping presents and attaching a homemade tag to my gift.  I also love these oversized tag dies - they're great to still include a full stamped image and some embellishments so it's a fussy and fancy creation too!

One of my other favourite hobbies is jewellery making.  It's a bit like card making in that much of the fun is in the hunt and collecting goodies for future use.  This necklace has an example of some of the lovely bead treasures you can happen upon.  These are called Kazuri beads, they have such a wonderful story.  

I like to try all things crafty. I made these mementos from our holiday in Italy. It is lovely to have them as a reminder of the fabulous trip to these historic ruins.


Last year I bought a Memory dex and since them I started making cards for them. I love creating these cards, because they are a little bit smaller than my cards. I love the challenge to create something on a little card with most of the times a special shape. I love the look of my memory dex in my craft room with all those cute cards on it. :) 

This is Sally and Sam.  I made Sally over 20 years ago and recently found Sam half made in a bag with all the materials etc so I've finished him off so that Sally doesn't have to sit in the craft room on her own any more.

I enjoy a bit of needlework when I am not paper-crafting. I find it very relaxing and it's lovely to play with different stitches.

Unfortunately the first ever granny square crochet blanket isn't finished yet (so near yet so far) so here is something else!  I love making little gift wrappings, either boxes or bags, that can contain a few luxury chocs.  Here is a little bag I made.
("Uff Da" is an expression of surprise)

Apart from making cards, boxes and little bags I love to make wreaths. It's just as relaxing as working with papers and stamps. This one is made from bicycle inner tubes. I am happy with the result. 

So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge and show us your style.
Don't forget, you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite to be eligible to win.

Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.


  1. Congrats to Lorraine B., Deanne and Beckie for a Top 3 Spot. Thank You for the win.. I will email you shortly about this.. Wonderful inspirations from the DT. I love this new challenge and will definitely be participating... (^-^) ..

  2. Voilà, j'ai fait le tour des blogs et je viens finaliser mes commentaires avec Vous.
    J'ai eu plaisir à lire et admirer les oeuvres de la DT et à participer au blog Hop pour votre 6ème anniversaire...
    Je vous souhaite un très Joyeux Anniversaire... Et une longue vie aux challenges auxquels j'aime tant participer.

    So, I went around the blogs and I finalize my comments with you.
    I enjoyed reading and admiring the works of the DT and participating in the blog Hop for your 6th birthday ...
    I wish you a very Happy Birthday ... and a long life to the challenges I love to participate in.

  3. I can't believe I've never seen your challenge and here it is your 6th Birthday. I loved seeing what the designers do other than paper crafting. I love to cross stitch and wreath make too in my spare time. Happy Birthday. I hope to enter this challenge.

  4. Happy 6th Birthday! I love this challenge! Something different than a card! Great idea!

  5. Happy 6th Birthday!! I found you only recently and I love entering when I can. Love all the fun projects by everyone. Sally & Sam are so cute! Brenda's necklace is lovely. Lots of inspiration.

  6. Congrats on six years! It's always fun to play along in your challenges!

  7. Wow...lots of non-card ideas! Thanks for the inspirations and challenge.

  8. Congratulations and Happy 6th Anniversary :) Thanks for all your fabulous challenges and inspiration from you all. Enjoyed your blog hop, such wonderful projects from you all xx

  9. Wonderful creations I enjoyed hopping round them all, great inspiration ( all i need is the talent) xx

  10. Wonderful DT projects, as always!!! Huge congrats on 6 years, and here's to many more <3
    Susan Sudbury

  11. happy birthday and thank you from the bottom of my heart for organizing such great challenges with fantastic sponsors. you're one of my favourite playgrounds :)

  12. Congratulations and Happy 6th Anniversary!
    I love your creative ideas and enjoyed your blog hop, totally amazing inspirations! I like your challenge and love to play.
    hugs xx
