Sunday, 28 April 2013

Welcome to As You Like It! Candy & DT CALL

Good Morning and welcome to As You Like It Challenge!

Samantha and Annette here to tell you about our exciting new challenge blog:

The idea of As You Like It Challenge is to create and share creations you're proud of that showcase your own style. 

We will set loose themes, rather than strict rules and we have some amazing sponsors already lined up.

We hope that you will join us and create projects that suit your own preferences, making what you like and tell us what makes it your own style.

So...... Do you want to play?

Our challenges will be Fortnightly and the First Challenge will be 
8am (UK time) Thursday 2nd May 2013 

We will announce the first theme on 2 May and 

will also be holding a DT call on the first challenge.  
We are looking for 3 teamies to help us have fun!

In the meantime we have the chance to win some Candy in return for helping us spread the word about our new challenge. 

Here are the simple Candy rules:
  1. Post our badge (the one at the top of this post), include our start date (Thursday 2 May), and DT call on your blog, with a link to the challenge blog.
  2. Become a follower if you want to join in our challenges.
  3. Link to your name and blog at the bottom of this post.
Candy will remain open from now until the end of the first challenge.  2 winners will be selected, and announced on the winners post on the 16th of May.

We really hope that you would like to be involved with our challenge, and look forward to hearing from you.
hugs Annette & Samantha 

Our Email address

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  1. Oh this is so exiting. I made a post on my blog about your new challenge. I am looking forward to participate. hugs!

    1. I'm so pleased to see you here Mojca.

    2. YAY!!!!!!!!! great to see you Mojca! we are soooo excited too! :)

  2. Looking forward to this Super girls, how many hours/day do you have?
    hugs Dorte

  3. haha lots and lots but Need MORE! tehehehhehehee :)

  4. I've typed a post on my blog but can't find a follower widget - I'll keep checking Karen x

    1. Hi Karen, the followers widget is the second one down on the right sidebar (below the teamies widget) Hope you can find it now and follow us ok. Leave another comment if you still can't see it though as there may be something wrong, maybe different internet browsers perhaps, but we do have a lot of followers already so some people are finding it.

      Thanks for your entry to the candy and your blogpost about us. We look forward to you joining us for our first challenge next Thursday.

  5. Looking forward to the new challenge :) Thanks for the candy!

    Tanya xx

  6. Sounds fun, looking forward to the challenge.
    Thanks for the chance to win candy xx

  7. Good luck with the new challenge blog. Looking forward to entering
    I have posted about your new venture on my blog
    Hugs Kelly

  8. Good luck ladies with the new challenge.
    Chris x

  9. good luck with the blog!looking forward to taking part!x

  10. Oh Girls thank you for all the Super fab messages I really can't wait till the 2nd May! and am looking forward to what you all make for the first Challenge!

    Good luck with the Candy girls!! :)

  11. Whoo looking forward to this ladies good luck
    Jenny x

  12. Have posted "you" in my sidebar and can't wait til 2nd May!!!!! Only trouble is I'm at work that day, so won't be able to check out your first challenge immediately :o(
    Good luck to you all and thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs, Helen xxx

  13. awsome ........... i love candy and i love to create.....would love to try out for dt....donno weather i qualified or not harm trying rite ......thanks a bunch !! xoxoxoxoxox

  14. I'm looking forward to seeing all your entries. Challenge #1 goes live 8am UK time on Thursday. Not long to wait now!! Eeeeek!

  15. Good luck with the new challenge blog. I have put a message on my blog and I will check back tomorrow. (It is 4.12pm on Wednesday 1 May here in Sydney, Australia)
    Would you please able to put on your blog the "follow by email" link so that emails will come to me and I don't miss your challenges. Thank you.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog

  16. Thanks Margaret for your comment and what a brilliant Idea! thank you I have added the follow by email :)

  17. Good luck to a couple of my favourite ladies!! Make sure Feline Playful knows about you and you will get tons of entries. Can't wait to play!

    Deanne :)

    1. Thanks Deanne! really great to see your comment too! and thanks for the Feline Playful nudge! Annette sent them a mail and we have filled out there form so hopefully! all systems go!!

      Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk tomorrow! :)

  18. Hi Annette and Samantha. Wishing you a fab journey with such a fab idea. Nothing like doing what you like doing best, your own thing, great idea, love it. What a fist challenge! Choosing your favourite Die' hope I don't take too long deciding! Carolxx

    1. tehhehe thanks Carol, its so fun to see what everyone is making... I can't wait to see your Favourite die, and don't worry you have plenty of time to choose thehehhehe :) hugs me x

  19. Hi Girls Have added you to my side bar, have a great journey from me too. Janet

    1. Hi Janet, Thanks for your help promoting our Challenge! we look forward to seeing here! hugs Samantha :0)

  20. Hi Ladies, just found you.
    Wishing you luck, and will advertise on me side bsr.

    Chris xxx

  21. Best of luck ladies.
    Looking forward to all the new challenges :)

