Thank you to everyone who entered our last challenge.
Our winner is:

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and our Top 3 are
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This fortnight's challenge theme is to showcase a project using
Your Colour (mainly 1 but can have others (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.
Here are the beautiful creations made by our Design Team to get your mojo flowing:
My favourite is a toss up between pink, purple and blue. Since I've made quite a few purple cards lately, I decided that purple must be my (current) favourite, but this card is kind of a pinky purple, albeit with purple embellies :0) I love that purple can be quite feminine, but also a really rich plum purple can look really elegant too.
I love blue best and always have. I love it now because it is the color of the beautiful ocean that surrounds our little island. The different hues the ocean shares never ceases to both take my breath and calm me at the same time.
I love many colours, so this is a hard one for me. Today I have chosen a lilac/purple colour scheme. This colour has a lovely feminine feel. I love the soft shades which are so pretty.
I have many favourite colours, but at the moment I am really into pink. I love that it can be a really sweet colour when you use soft tones, but a dark pink can also be really fabulous!
My favourite always used to be blue but I've graduated onto lilacs and purples. I think it's because I associate blue with being cold and purple shades seem to be softer and warmer.
It seriously looks like my favourite colour is pink!! I have never favoured pink but having done a thorough look see at my cards it's definitely pink or a combination of pink and green...Mother Nature's favourite too!!
Like my other team-mates, I do like all colours, so the choice for this one was determined more by the image than any particular preference, although I am getting very fond of oranges and yellows lately.
I love most colors, as long as they are very clear and bright. But my favorite color is green. It reminds me of spring: the green of new leaves on the trees grass, hills, woods. The colour makes me happy.
So now it's over to you.
We hope you will join in our challenge, show us your style and
showcase Your Colour (mainly 1 but can have others (& why).
You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite.
Good luck, and happy crafting.
Hugs from the AYLI girls.